Invitation To Stakeholders To Participate In The Upcoming Proceedings Of The Task Force On Tax Reform In Preparation For Budget 2022/23

The proceedings of the Task Force on Tax Reform in preparation for Budget 2022/23 are scheduled to get underway in February 2022 . 


The Task Force provides a structured forum for discussion of various issues relating to tax policy and administration . Its delib erations have constituted a vital input to policy makers for a long period . It has helped to shape the country's tax regime and , through dialogue and analysis , facilitated an effective , transparent and efficient resolution of a number of issues . 


The Task Force Secretariat is expected to organise a schedule of meetings with stakeholders for presentations and discus sions in this financial year . The Government will take lead by giving an update of policy objectives , agenda and challenges as well as an appraisal of tax policy priorities for Budget 2022/23 . This will provide participants with a broad context for this year's proceedings and motivate analysis and discussion on impacts of various proposals in - depth . 


The fiscal policy measures aim at improving business environment in order to attract investments , facilitating growth of small and medium business enterprises for sustainable economic growth ; enhancing voluntary tax compliance ; broadening the tax base ; mainstreaming the use of ICT System in tax administration ; strengthening enforcement of tax laws in order to address tax evasion challenges and minimize revenue leakages ; and streamlining levies and fees in order to improve business and investment environment . 


The Task Force invites submission of proposals from Government officials , private sector , civil society , religious organizations , academia , research institutions and other specialists in public finance . The submissions from interested parties should be in writing , stating clearly : 


( i ) Firm ( s ) Organization ( s ) or Association ( s ) being represented ; 


( ii ) The proposed changes in tax or non - tax revenue , including analysis of the sectors , regions or tax payers that would be affected ; 


( iii ) The projected impact on the economy and Government revenues in the year of implementation and outer years ; 


( iv ) The rationale and justification for the proposed revenue policy changes and , in particular , analysis of the means by which the proposal will help the Government achieve its overarching economic , fiscal and poverty - reduction objectives ; and 


( v )Where proposals entail a reduction in Government revenues ( even in the short term only ) , there must be alternative proposals which set out explicit and credible measures consistent with the overall thrust of the Government's fiscal policies to offset the proposed revenue shortfall . 


We are looking forward to having a productive engagement and exchange of ideas this year among stakeholders and the Government . 


Submissions are accepted with effect from now until 10th February 2022. Please submit your proposals to the following address : 


Secretariat Task Force on Tax Reform 

Ministry of Finance and Planning , 

Policy Analysis Department , 

Treasury Square Building ( 2nd floor ) , 

18 Jakaya Kikwete Road , 

P.O Box 2802 , 



E - Mail : or


For more details / clarifications please call : 0713 694 895 or 0657 558 899 Or visit our website :

Emmanuel M. Tutuba 


December , 2021

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