AMREF HEALTH AFRICA TANZANIA-TENDER No. AMREF/2021/GF/G/01 For Supply of Disposable and Re-usable Sanitary Pads
TENDER No. AMREF/2021/GF/G/01 For Supply of Disposable
and Re-usable Sanitary Pads
1.. Amref Health
Africa Tanzania has set aside funds towards the cost of implementing various community
and Health projects, and it intends to apply part of the funds to cover
eligible payments under the contract for Supply of Disposable and Re-usable
Sanitary Pads targeted to Adolescent Girls and Young women program.
2. You are hereby
invited to submit your tender for the Supply of Sanitary pads as described in
the Schedule of requirement for the below lots.
Lot No. 1 Supply
of 107,552 Disposable Sanitary pads
Lot No.2 Supply
of various Disposable and Re usable Sanitary pads on quarterly basis under
Framework agreement (2 years)
3. Interested
applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the Tender documents
at Amref Health Africa Tanzania, Plot No.1009, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Rd, P.O.Box
27730 Dar es Salaam from 08.30 to 15.00 hrs local time. A complete set of
Tender documents in English may be purchased by interested applicants upon
payment of anon refundable fee of Tshs. 100,000: One Hundred Thousand Only]
paid to Account No.011103000446 NBC —Amref Health Africa.
4. All quotations
in one original plus a copy and soft copy in Flash Disk, properly filled in,
and enclosed in plain envelopes marked “Tender No. [AMREF/2021/GF/G/01 for
Supply of Sanitary Pads”, must be delivered to the Secretary, Amref Health
Africa Tanzania, P.O.Box 2773, Dar es Salaam.
5. Deadline for
submission will be on Friday 18th June, 2021 at 12.00 hours local time. Tenders
will be opened promptly thereafter by the Tender Committee, Amref Health Africa
6. Late, partial
and electronic quotations, and quotations not opened at the quotation opening ceremony
shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
Country Director,
Amref Health Africa Tanzania,
P.O.Box 2773, Dar es Salaam.
Tel:+255 22 2116610/2131981/2136731